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Many Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Updated: Sep 14

Chamomile is an herb that comes from a flowering plant from the daisy family. Both the fresh and dried flowers of chamomile have been used to create teas for centuries to cure a number of health problems. The active ingredient in chamomile essential oil is known as bisabolol, which has a number of anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial properties.

Green tea has become extremely popular of late for its various health benefits and its miraculous effects on skin and body. However, the wonders of Chamomile tea are still unknown to many. There are many beneficial properties that are present in the Chamomile plant which convert easily into a cup of tea.

Benefits of Chamomile Tea

It has various beautifying effects on the skin. It has an abundance of amazing healing, antioxidant, cleansing and moisturizing properties and is considered a skincare treatment. Infused with great healing properties, chamomile tea accelerates the healing process of minor wounds and also disinfects the wounds. Chamomile tea is an excellent all-natural skin bleach. It lightens the complexion and renders it a healthy glow. It is found to be very effective in soothing skin irritation and sunburns. This magic potion is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help you fight acne and breakouts. It also works wonders to eliminate acne scars. It protects your skin from free radical damage, a chief contributor to premature aging, hence help retaining your youthful charm for long. Placing cooled down chamomile tea bags under the eyes can help reducing under-eye dark circles and eye puffiness. If consumed on a regular basis, chamomile tea nourishes and moisturizes your skin from deep inside.

Chamomile tea is also great for curing stomach cramps as it contains fairly strong antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory constituents. Drinking it twice a day can help relieve the cramps and also helps prevent stomach flu and ulcers. Chamomile tea is also known to help cure irritable bowel syndrome, relieve excessive gas and bloating.

Chamomile tea has also been proven to be highly beneficial in help curing insomnia and other sleep disorders. A cup of chamomile before bed assures a good night's sleep. It is also known to prevent migraines. As one notices the signs of a migraine, drinking a cup of chamomile tea, can help prevent its onset.


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