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Hibiscus Tea Benefits - 10 Benefits You Didn't Know About Hibiscus Tea

Updated: Jul 12

Hibiscus tea comes from the calyces of the roselle plant, which are dried, then brewed in water and served hot or cold. As well as being delicious, hibiscus tea is full of health benefits that you may not have known about.

Benefits of hibiscus tea
Hibiscus tea

Here are ten benefits that make this beverage one of your best friends when it comes to your health and wellbeing.

1. Super antioxidant

The red anthocyanins in hibiscus tea act as antioxidants, protecting your body against free radicals that cause cancer and other diseases. An antioxidant is a molecule that fights free radicals. When you drink hibiscus tea regularly, these powerful molecules go to work for you and can help keep your cells healthy and fight disease.

2. Increases heart health

Hibiscus tea benefits your heart in a couple of ways. Studies have found that drinking hibiscus tea regularly is linked to better lipid and cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure, and reduced inflammation. These factors all combine to improve heart health!

3. Promotes weight loss

Drinking hibiscus tea every day might help you lose weight. A study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry found that mice who consumed hibiscus tea along with a high-fat diet gained weight less quickly than those who didn’t. Another small study published in Appetite found that women experienced less of an increase in body mass when drinking hibiscus tea daily for 12 weeks compared to participants given a placebo beverage.

4. Boosts immune system

Hibiscus tea is not only great for your heart, but it also boosts your immune system and has antibacterial properties. It’s perfect for keeping you healthy throughout cold and flu season.

5. Protects brain health

Hibiscus tea contains anthocyanins, which are powerful antioxidants that may protect brain health and slow cognitive decline. Furthermore, hibiscus tea is rich in L theanine and Gamma aminobutyric acid, two calming amino acids that work together to help maintain a healthy nervous system. These two components can also help combat stress and promote sleep. Research has shown that drinking hibiscus tea helps people fall asleep faster and get deeper, more restorative sleep than drinking a placebo beverage.

6. Helps with blood sugar issues and diabetes

Research has shown that hibiscus tea, in some cases, may help with blood sugar levels. Hibiscus tea is thought to help lower insulin resistance and regulate glucose levels by promoting normal blood glucose levels. People suffering from diabetes may benefit from drinking hibiscus tea on a regular basis.

7. Lowers blood pressure

One of hibiscus tea’s primary benefits is its ability to lower blood pressure. It does so by inhibiting angiotensin-converting enzyme, which causes blood vessels to constrict and blood pressure to rise. Just make sure that your hibiscus tea doesn’t contain sugar; sugar actually has a counter effect on lowering blood pressure.

8. Soothes ulcers

For centuries, hibiscus tea has been used to soothe stomach ulcers and Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, thanks to its high vitamin C content. This antioxidant neutralizes free radicals before they can cause damage within your body. It also helps to relieve acid reflux by reducing stomach acid production.

9. Good source of fiber

Not only does hibiscus tea provide you with plenty of fiber, but it also works to regulate bowel movements. For those who have diarrhea or constipation issues, drinking a cup or two of hibiscus tea every day will help restore normal bowel activity.

10. Anti-aging properties

Even if you’re in your twenties or thirties, it’s still a good idea to start adding hibiscus tea to your diet on a regular basis. This beneficial beverage has been shown to have anti-aging properties. Adding it to your routine will help keep away wrinkles and fine lines from forming around your eyes.


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